Terminalia ivorensis

Scientific name: Terminalia ivorensis Chev.
Family: Combretaceae
Category: deciduous trees
Height: 15 – 20 meters
Shrubs: shrubs, shrubs, layers Each floor is 0.50 – 1 meter.
Trunk: Brown bark The skin is quite smooth. There is little cracks
Leaves: single leaves, alternate, short, ovate, back, small, width 1 – 1.5 cm long 1.5 – 3 cm long.
Flower: small white Look swallowed Often overlooked if not observed.
Result: Small, ovate or oval.
Growth rate: fast

Terminalia ivorensis

Terminalia ivorensis

Terminalia ivorensis

Soil: all types of soil
Water: moderately flood tolerant
Sunlight: full day
Propagation: King or Seed
Usage and more: Leafy and dwarf varieties sold in the ornamental market. Named after the “radial” style of the bush. And believe that it will have a wide glory. Can be used as a chair in the garden. The leaves should not be planted near the pool or pond.

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